Letters and Feedback
How can I send a news tip, photo or video to the newsroom?
Please share your tips and content with us via our content upload address.
How do I send a letter to the editor?
All letters must be SIGNED and include the writer’s full name, address (not postal) and telephone number.
Send them to Letters to the Editor, email office@newsservices.com. Include full address and telephone number.
Keep them short and keep copies. They may be edited for legal reasons or clarity.
How can I send a news tip, photo or video to the newsroom?
Please share your tips and content with us via our content upload address.
How do I send a letter to the editor?
All letters must be SIGNED and include the writer’s full name, address (not postal) and telephone number.
Send them to Letters to the Editor, email office@newsservices.com. Include full address and telephone number.
Keep them short and keep copies. They may be edited for legal reasons or clarity.